


電商的網路效應 除了社交網路,電商其實也有很強大網路效應,用戶買東西的時候產生的成交數目、評價、評論都會給其他用戶帶來有用的訊息,幫助其他用戶買到好的商品,這是用戶和用戶之間的網路效應 另外用戶多的時候,商戶東西會比較好賣,所以會對商戶提供價值。反過來說商戶多的時候,用戶能買到的商品種類變多,價格和品質也會在競爭之下變得更有吸引力。這種商戶和用戶之間的網路,可以畫成一張二分網路圖(bipartite graph),在社交網路裡面網紅和粉絲之間的網路也可以畫成類似的拓樸 其實電商的網路效應是非常強大的,很多人認為電商的成功主要是靠倉儲和運貨等等基礎建設帶來的規模經濟,但是人們會去 Amazon 買東西很重要的一個原因是選擇多還有評價很豐富真實,這些歸根究底都是商戶和用戶的雙邊網路效應還有用戶和用戶之間的網路效應
You’re not stuck at home. You’re sitting on homeground advantage. Create. Iterate. Let adversity shape the best of you. Focus. Focus. Focus. The world will restart, and when it does, don’t just come back as you were. Come back stronger.

Google Maps Search 2.0

“Use maps to search, not just navigate” The idea: I remember one night at 9pm asking myself “where can I get a HDMI cable right now”. Searching Google didn’t give me the answer. Searching Google Maps told me I had to walk a mile to best buy. But the next day I noticed that Rite Aid 100 yards from my apartment sold them. Huh. This was the kernel of an idea - that Google Maps could be a far more powerful search engine, especially for non-navigational queries - driving consumer adoption of commercial queries in Google Maps would in turn unlock a huge revenue potential in Google Maps ads (something that’s still anemic in Google today). The idea I mocked up was basically a reverse web-index, indexing not just the local businesses but indexing their websites too and letting you do keyword search across it. So e.g. if you search for “lamb tagine” Google Maps should find that item on the restaurant menu (they do that a little bit today, but didn’t do this at all in 2012). This is still not a s...

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