

目前顯示的是 2022的文章


電商的網路效應 除了社交網路,電商其實也有很強大網路效應,用戶買東西的時候產生的成交數目、評價、評論都會給其他用戶帶來有用的訊息,幫助其他用戶買到好的商品,這是用戶和用戶之間的網路效應 另外用戶多的時候,商戶東西會比較好賣,所以會對商戶提供價值。反過來說商戶多的時候,用戶能買到的商品種類變多,價格和品質也會在競爭之下變得更有吸引力。這種商戶和用戶之間的網路,可以畫成一張二分網路圖(bipartite graph),在社交網路裡面網紅和粉絲之間的網路也可以畫成類似的拓樸 其實電商的網路效應是非常強大的,很多人認為電商的成功主要是靠倉儲和運貨等等基礎建設帶來的規模經濟,但是人們會去 Amazon 買東西很重要的一個原因是選擇多還有評價很豐富真實,這些歸根究底都是商戶和用戶的雙邊網路效應還有用戶和用戶之間的網路效應
You’re not stuck at home. You’re sitting on homeground advantage. Create. Iterate. Let adversity shape the best of you. Focus. Focus. Focus. The world will restart, and when it does, don’t just come back as you were. Come back stronger.

Google Maps Search 2.0

“Use maps to search, not just navigate” The idea: I remember one night at 9pm asking myself “where can I get a HDMI cable right now”. Searching Google didn’t give me the answer. Searching Google Maps told me I had to walk a mile to best buy. But the next day I noticed that Rite Aid 100 yards from my apartment sold them. Huh. This was the kernel of an idea - that Google Maps could be a far more powerful search engine, especially for non-navigational queries - driving consumer adoption of commercial queries in Google Maps would in turn unlock a huge revenue potential in Google Maps ads (something that’s still anemic in Google today). The idea I mocked up was basically a reverse web-index, indexing not just the local businesses but indexing their websites too and letting you do keyword search across it. So e.g. if you search for “lamb tagine” Google Maps should find that item on the restaurant menu (they do that a little bit today, but didn’t do this at all in 2012). This is still not a s...

All-in Summit


Time Series Transformer


Fred Chien 關於工程師成長的思考

現在回想當年的狀況,發現當時是自己連問題在哪都不知道,基礎能力相當薄弱。縱使能夠寫大量的程式、熟悉不少常見的演算法與技術、也能把想到的功能都刻出來,但事實是連問對正確的問題都沒辦法,理所當然也不會得到正確的解答。 不過幸運的是,大概是高中低階技術和各種場景接觸多了(渾渾噩噩也經歷了五、六年),縱使也不是多厲害的專家,某一天開始感覺到開竅,似乎對很多當年從未想過、從未理解過的關鍵問題,不知不覺想通了。開始意會到當年系統架構設計的問題在哪裡、可改善的方向、程式該如何重構。 很多事沒有機運、沒有想過,就不會貫通,也無法想的深遠透徹。即使靠大量的單調無腦的苦練,成為了踢一萬次腿的鐵腿神,仍然無法得到突破。單論自己以一個後端工程師的生涯來說,經歷了近十年跌跌撞撞,才赫然發現自己剛踏出了 junior 的領域而已,得到了第一次的變身。

Daniel Gross 寫的太好了

Daniel Gross 顯然是一位天才,他在 19 歲就創辦 Cue ,拿到 Sequoia 投資,是他們當時投資過最年輕的創業家,最後被 Apple 收購並在其中負責 ML。之後加入 YC,26 歲又成為 YC 最年輕的 partner,專注在 AI 領域。現在則成立自己的純 remote 天使基金, Pioneer 。 - A new Google     需要下  Query Operators 的搜尋引擎代表壞掉了 - The Bionic Market     給菁英用戶的思考與生產力工具的市場分析 - 10X: Metrics for Early Stage Startups     早期新創的 Growth 指標

Papers on Quant Research

  The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns   Source  https://www.ivey.uwo.ca/media/3775518/the_cross-section_of_expected_stock_returns.pdf Comment  This is the famous Fama-French paper, which proposed the Fama-French factor model, and the basics of cross-sectional equity research methods. Value and Momentum Everywhere   Source   https://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~lpederse/papers/ValMomEverywhere.pdf Comment  A good introduction to value and momentum; they can generate abnormal returns for individual stocks within several countries, across country equity indices, government bonds, currencies, and commodities. Mean Reversion in Stock Prices: Evidence and Implications   Source   http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=227278 Comment  One of the earliest papers reflecting the mean-reversion nature of stock prices. Price Momentum and Trading Volume   Source   http://technicalanalysis.org.uk/volume/LeSw00.pdf Comment  Gi...

Implicit Factor Model - A Cross-Sectional Regression Approach

  Equity Factor Models - Build one in R with a few lines of codes A step-by-step guide to build your own fundamental factor model using R and cross-sectional regressions Alexander Popov — unsplash Multi-factor models are a must-have for investors looking to understand their portfolio’s performance drivers . It helps explain the actual return of factors such as countries, sectors, and styles, independent of other factors’ effects. In this article, we will focus on the mechanics of such models, and how to  code them in R . We also introduce a visualization that lets you visualize the factor performance contributions overtime. A Factor Model, what’s that? A factor model also called a multi-factor model, is a model that employs multiple factors to explain individual securities or a portfolio of securities. It exists at least three types of factor models: Statistical factor models  — They use methods similar to  principal component analysis  (PCA). In these models, b...


Mirror Finance, A  Synthetic Assets Protocol New tokens for a listed mAsset can be minted by creating a collateralized debt position (CDP) with either TerraUSD (UST), mAsset or whitelisted collateral tokens as collateral. Also, mAssets can be directly shorted upon opening a CDP to mint sLP tokens. The CDP is essentially a short position against the price movement of the reflected asset, -- i.e. if the stock price of AAPL rises, minters of mAAPL would be pressured to deposit more collateral to maintain the same collateral ratio.


吃單會有流動性問題,會變成很多人要跟主力搶,主力反而買不到 插針分非常多種 1. 上檔價位 往上漲 出現往下插針 通常有可能是 中小型部位市價 take profit ,但買盤不夠,所以插針 2. 上檔價位 往上漲 出現往上插針     有可能是中小型部位追高 或空單爆倉 3. 下跌價格破新低出現往下插針,是爆倉可能性高一點      但是下跌沒破新低卻往下插,可能是中小型部位主動停損     或恐慌賣盤 但有大戶承接 還有一種是比較專業的操盤者會用市價保護單,就是 limite taker order 這種出現的時候如果買盤 賣盤不夠 就會變實心的分線


股價並不是由真的持有股票的人決定 是由有在買賣的人決定他的價格 所以今天這些基金、大型有錢人,假設他們很看好一段時間的成長性。 他們買了之後不會再進行賣出的交易,因為他們沒有在交易, 所以「他們的看法不會反應在市場上」,因此還是有可能造成跌幅。

Position Stack

09/07~10/07 with position stack(drop: 3%, len: 8) 09/07~10/07 with position stack(drop: 5%, len: 3) 09/07~10/07 without position stack 08/07~09/07 position stack not triggered  

Larry Page: 只有速度才能為產品帶來成功

Larry Page: 只有速度才能為產品帶來成功 在 Google 裡,Larry Page 可是會數你的 Latency, 就算是一兩個毫秒 Larry Page 都會數的。 Larry Page 甚至可以用感覺來算毫秒的差異,他曾對員工說「你自己回去看,這簡直慢得相當誇張,這 Latency 至少有 600 毫秒以上」 千萬不要小看 100 毫秒的影響,據 Google 內部統計資料指出,就算只增加了 100~400 毫秒不等的延遲時間,也會使得使用者更不想更新關鍵字搜尋,也會使得使用者瀏覽資料變慢。 而當 Picasa 增加了三倍的照片瀏覽速度,甚至造成當日使用量明顯增加 40% ,速度的確是以毫秒之差影響著你的網站使用量呀! 當然全部都速度論不是很正確,但產品做正確,卻因為速度太慢導致用戶頻頻抱怨,對使用經驗也是大打折扣。 Instagram 早期也是因優化照片上傳的速度,透過偷跑,當用戶在修圖就已先開始上傳圖片,此外也優化圖片套用濾鏡的速度。 所以我們應該在那些很慢的領域切入,開發比別人更有效率的產品...